Every month, we’ll be spotlighting someone from the LERETA roster.

This month let us introduce you to Victoria Safranek, our Outsourcing Disbursement Lead. Get to know Victoria, below! 

  1. What is your role with LERETA? To sum it up, my team disburses current property taxes from escrow.
  2. How long have you worked with LERETA? A year and 3 months.
  3. What is your favorite thing about your job? The best part about my job is having such a great team. We all work together so well.
  4. Tell us about your family.  My husband and I have been together for 13 years and we have 3 awesome kids who are very active in sports.
  5. What do you like to do in your free time? Since our kids are so active in sports, most of my free time is spent watching baseball or coaching my daughter’s cheer team.
  6. Where did you grow up and where do you live now?  I currently reside in Texas, but I have spent most of my life all over the place. I was born in Australia and lived there for a short time until my mom decided to move to California. After spending a few years there we moved to Illinois. Loved growing up in a smaller town there but after the husband and I got married we decided to settle down in Texas and have been loving the warmer weather. 


Check out last month’s Employee Spotlight here >> 

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